Selected publications

Storytelling and Interactive Narrative

Chang, A. 2011.MIT PhD Thesis.
Chang, A.,Breazeal,C., Faridi,F., Roberts, T., Davenport, G., Lieberman, H., and Montfort, N.. 2012. Textual tinkerability: encouraging storytelling behaviors to foster emergent literacy. In Proc. of the 2012 CHI Extended Abstracts 2012. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 505-520.
Alonso, J., Chang, A., and Breazeal, C. Values Impacting the Design of an Adaptive Educational Storybook in Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS2011)
Angela Chang and Cynthia Breazeal. 2011. TinkRBook: shared reading interfaces for storytelling. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 145-148
Stiehl, W. Chang, A., Wistort,R., Breazeal, C. The Robotic Preschool of the Future: New Technologies for Learning and Play, Finalist in the Como 4 Children Competition at IDC 2009, June 3-5, 2009, in Como, Italy.
Haptic Interpersonal Communication
Knight, H., Chang, A., Stiehl, W., Breazeal, C. Real-time Social Touch Gesture Recognition for Sensate Robots to appear at IEEE Proceedings of Intelligent Robots and Systems 2009 (IROS 2009), October 11-15, 2009., St. Louis, Missouri, 2009.
Chang, A., O’Sullivan, C. An Audio-Haptic Aesthetic Framework Influenced by Visual Theory, Haptic Audio Interaction Design, HAID 2008, Sept. 15-16, 2008 in Jyvaskyla, Finland.
Chang, A. Chang, A. 2008. Touch proxy interaction. In CHI ’08 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Florence, Italy, April 05 – 10, 2008). CHI ’08. ACM, New York, NY, 2665-2668.
Chang, A., Gouldstone, J., Zigelbaum, J. and Ishii, H. Pragmatic Haptics. TEI’08, 251-255. in Bonn, Germany.
Chang, A.O’Modhrain, S., Jacob, R., Gunther, E., & Ishii, H. ComTouch: Design of a Vibrotactile Communication Device Proceedings of the conference on Designing interactive systems: processes, practices, methods, and techniques (DIS ’02), London, England, ACM Press, 2002, 312, 320.
Chang, A., Koerner, B., Resner, B., Wang, X. LumiTouch: An Emotional Communication Device. Extended Abstracts of CHI ’01. Seattle, WA, USA, ACM Press, 2001, 313-314.
Sensorial Communication
Zigelbaum, J. Chang A., Gouldstone, J., Monzen, J., and Ishii, H. SpeakCup: Simplicity, BABL, and Shape Change. TEI’08, 145-146.
Chang, A. and Ishii, H. Zstretch: A stretchy fabric controller. Presented at NIME 2007 at NYU, NY from June 6-10th.
Chang. A., Zigelbaum. J, Gouldstone, J. and Ishii, H. Simplicity in Interaction design Presented by videoconference at Tangible & Embedded Interaction 2007 at LSU, Louisiana.
O’Sullivan, C. And Chang. A. An Activity Classification Method for Vibrotactile Phenomena in the Proceedings of MultiVis 2006.
Chang, A. and Ishii, H. Sensorial Interfaces. Proceedings of DIS 2006, presented on June 26-28 State College, PA.
O’Sullivan, C. and Chang, A. Dimensional Design; Explorations of the Auditory and Haptic Correlate for the Mobile DeviceProceedings of International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2005).
Chang, A. and O’Sullivan, C. Audio-Haptic Feedback in Mobile Phones. CHI ’05 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Portland, OR, USA,  ACM Press, 2005, 1264 – 1267.
Exhibitions & Press
Huffington Post “Researchers from Tufts University and the MIT Media Lab this Spring dropped off a few solar-powered tablets to kids in a small Ethiopian village, where there is no electricity and essentially zero literacy. With no instruction, the 20 children ages four to 12 began using the devices within 18 minutes. After the first week, the kids were using 47 apps. Being a digital native doesn’t make that a slam dunk — not even close.” – David Sable 06.13.12
Siggraph Emerging Technologies 2006. Exhibit Coordinator for Tangibles at Play || Article
Sensing Change Conference April 2004 Media Lab Europe in Dublin, Ireland   [Pictures]
Squishy cellphones add buzz to calls (in New Scientist 

Extreme interfaces Conference at MLE  Technology Exhibit

“Get in Touch” in Linz, Austria-  Ars Electronica Exhibition (TakeOver)    [internal] Bottles  InTOUCH Art Exhibit
“Tangible Bits” in Tokyo, Japan- NTT Intercommunications Center  Art Exhibit 2000.

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